VMware Converter P2V Tips

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During my work with VMware converter doing P2V migrations jobs I faced few problematic cases during the creation of migration task or once migration job started it fails or when you are checking your application after the migration task finished . So, let me share few of them with you and how to fix these problems.

1. ADMIN$ Share does not exist


– While you are configuring the task for migration you receive this error from the source server:

1The error is saying that there is no ADMIN$ share on the source server and you are not able to continue your work. So, first you need to enable the ADMIN$ share on the server. To fix this problem you need to change AutoShareServer value in the registry as described

Name: AutoShareServer
Data Type: REG_DWORD
Value: 1

Note: “A reboot is necessary after changing the registry value to see the admin$ share.”


For more information about enabling admin$ share check this link

2. Missing administrator permissions on C:\ drive


– Once you start the P2V job it fails is running it fails with error it was not able to clone C:\ drive.

From the job logs you will find the error comes due to missing permissions on files for the user which is running the job.


To fix the problem make sure the account which you are using during the conversion job has local admin rights on the source server or use local administrator to start the job. Local administrator should have full access on all files.

3. Missing administrator permissions on C:\ drive.


– While the job is running it fails with error it was not able to clone data drives

From the job logs you will find the cause error comes due to bad block on the disk.

3To fix the problem make sure you run a check disk on the volume before running the migration task.

4. Application on server depends on MAC Address.


– After you finished the migration job and you wanted to test the application status after the migration you found it is not running because the application is registered with its old MAC address.

If you tried to enter the IP through the virtual machine HW level you will receive error such as the coming one

4This error indicates that the MAC address which can be set to any virtual machine within ESX environment has to be from the VMware known MACs.

To overcome this problem you need to change the MAC address from the OS level.

Check the following link which presents two ways on how to change the MAC address on the OS level.

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Mahmoud has more than 9 year experience in IT filed, He is member of the VMware Centre of Excellence team. He holds multiple certifications from VMware, Citrix, Microsoft, NetApp, ITIL,project management ..Etc. He joined IBM in 2008 and now he is acting now as VMware team leader and he is vExpert 2014,2015.

About Mahmoud Nassar

Mahmoud has more than 9 year experience in IT filed, He is member of the VMware Centre of Excellence team. He holds multiple certifications from VMware, Citrix, Microsoft, NetApp, ITIL,project management ..Etc. He joined IBM in 2008 and now he is acting now as VMware team leader and he is vExpert 2014,2015.
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One Comment

  1. This is great info, what about Linux distros? Do you have any insight to how to resolve this same error with Linux, specifically Ubuntu?

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