Ivaylo has 5 years of professional IT experience. Most of it in server administration area, network and virtualization technologies. From 2014 he specializes in VMware products family. He holds VCIX6-DCV and VCP7-CMA certifications. vExpert 2016/2017

Point to vAPI Endpoint with JavaScript in vRO

This article covers a scenario where you need to point and work with vAPI endpoint entirely with JavaScript. It wasn’t as flawless as I expected and I spent quite some time to figure it out. Let’s jump in. A while back Angel Iliev wrote 2 very detailed articles covering vAPI… Continue reading

vRA Event Broker – pass basic and custom properties to vRO

When it comes to automation and further customization of the vRA managed VMs we can’t overlook the vRA 7.x Event Broker. It gives us the opportunity to trigger a vRO workflow when one or multiple conditions are met. In most use cases the information regarding the object that triggers the… Continue reading

VM Performance Summary with vRO

Monitoring VM performance is important part of managing virtual infrastructure. There are many tools out there to help on that matter, but very often I find myself going via the performance charts of a certain virtual machine looking for something that can cause performance penalties. To get sufficient overview, usually… Continue reading